Model SMT-700 Soft Magnetic Tester

KJS Associates/Magnetic Instrumentation offers the Model SMT-700 computer-automated magnetic test station for measuring the DC and AC magnetization curves, coercive field strength, and core-loss characteristics of magnetically soft materials, including: Si-Fe, Fe-Co, Fe, stainless steel, Ni-Fe alloys, soft ferrites and others. This modern line of laboratory instruments is designed specifically for accuracy, reliability, and ease-of-use.
Each instrument includes a PC (typically a laptop) and SMT-700 User Interface Program. The computer and system electronics are built into an attractive, floor-standing 19″ rack cabinet, making for a small footprint and better protection of the system hardware from ambient conditions. Air ventilation is standard; air conditioning for the enclosure is available. The software runs under Microsoft Windows™ and can display data in the SI and cgs unit systems. Curves are displayed on screen and can be printed in color, singly or up to 14 on one set of axes. The data and setup files are saved in non-proprietary ASCII format. All systems have bipolar power amplifiers with wide band frequency response. Typical peak output is 70 Volts at 9 Amperes, but a variety of amplifier configurations and sizes are available for optimum performance in each particular installation. The base system allows tests to be performed on ring samples (“Rowland rings”) wound as toroidal transformers. Optional Epstein frames, single sheet testers, solenoid fixtures, and special yokes can accommodate a wide variety of sample geometries.
The DC performance of the SMT-700 system complies with the requirements of ASTM A773/A773M and IEC 60404-4. It incorporates a precision current shunt resistor and a high-stability fluxmeter for accurate calibrations. An optional gaussmeter is offered for use with the YOKE-100 bar test accessory and coercimeter option. The fluxmeter features fully automatic drift adjustment. Both the fluxmeter and gaussmeter utilize 16 bit A/D converters. The speed parameters of each measurement are set by the user in software, with an overall frequency range of approximately 0.005 Hz to 1 Hz. Measured values include remanent induction Br, coercive field strength Hc, initial permeability µi, maximum permeability µmax, and maximum induction Bmax.
The AC performance of the SMT-700 system complies with the requirements of ASTM-A343/A343M, IEC 60404-2, ASTM A927/A927M, and norme francaise NF C 28-911. It incorporates 16-bit high-speed simultaneous data acquisition of the B and H signals, and precision power measuring functions. The frequency range is 20 Hz to 30 kHz standard (100 kHz optional). Waveform feedback control may be used for 50/60Hz testing. Optional transformers can be style=”float: left; border: 1px solid #333; margin: 0 10px 0 0;” srcinstalled for higher output voltages or currents at AC frequencies. The user, in the software, sets the test parameters for
each measurement. Measured values include magnetic induction B or Bi, coercive field Hc, specific core loss, and AC permeability. Data can be measured at specified B or H values, including but not limited to 1.5T (15kG) and 1.7T (17kG), as commonly used in the steel industry.
Output includes a color on-screen and/or paper plot of the B,H curve with flexible scaling, data tables, and data files in comma-separated-variable (csv) ASCII format.
System calibration is certified traceable to the United States National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). KJSA/MI can provide reference materials in the form of test rings, Epstein packs, rods or bars, and other geometries, as required.
All systems include a one-year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. KJS Associates/Magnetic Instrumentation provides factory training and service throughout the world.
* Specifications subject to change without notice